Party Time for 100
3 reviews

Party Time for 100
3 reviews
$99.95 per kit
Only $1.00 per person!
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The Party Time for 100 people is a great solution to provide fun yet affordable favors for your New Year's Eve party. This colorful party kit is packed with festive hats, noisemakers, and other party favors. Your New Year's party will be memorable with party favors from this kit. The Party Time for 100 people contains:
- 6 full size top hats
- 45 full size foil cone hats
- 1 ostrich plume tiara
- 50 glittered tiaras
- 20 metal noisemakers
- 80 foil horns (9")
- 25 assorted color poly leis
- 25 metallic bead necklaces

Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.